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It is possible to change how Lucidor looks by using different graphical themes. Lucidor uses the same kind of themes as the Firefox web browser. It is therefore possible to use themes from Add-ons for Firefox. Note, however, that many Firefox themes have problems when used with Lucidor. Some themes also have OS specific problems, e.g. they may work well on Windows but not on Mac OS X.

Below is a list of Firefox themes that have been tested with Lucidor.

The classification in the list only reflects whether the themes look reasonable when used with Lucidor, and does not say anything about the design or the quality of the implementation of the themes.

Work well:

macfox3 2.0.2
MaxOSX Theme (Firefox 4) 1.6.0
Red Cats (blue flavor) (4.2.4)
Red Cats (green flavor) (4.2.4)

Usable, but exhibit minor problems:

iPox 3.20100306
Qute Classic (4.0.1)
Stratini Padded 2.4.3b1

Unusable, exhibit major problems:

AvantGarde (5.2)